FAQ and Resources

What should I do if the person starts coughing constantly?

Coughing is not uncommon when giving a nebulized medicine. The medicine can easily irritate the back of the throat. Be sure the person is holding the nebulizer correctly in the mouth. Also, you can stop the nebulizer for a few minutes until the person stops coughing, then restart the treatment. If the coughing continues with each treatment, tell the person’s doctor.

What does a yeast infection of the mouth look like?


When a person inhales steroids through a nebulizer, there is the risk of a yeast infection of the mouth. It appears as a white patchy coating of the tongue with some swelling of the tongue. It looks a bit like cottage cheese.

Mayo Clinic

PThe website is owned by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. The Mayo Clinic’s mission is to empower people to manage their health. Mayo Clinic health professionals provide valuable information for using inhalers and a spacer.

visit: www.mayoclinic.com/health-information

Ohio State University Medical Center, Patient Education

This web site offers a library of information on a variety of health topics.

visit: medicalcenter.osu.edu/patientcare/patient_education

United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)

An official public standards–setting authority for all prescription and over–the–counter medicines and other health care products manufactured or sold in the United States.

visit: www.usp.orgs


The largest, most widely visited, independent medicine information website available on the Internet. It provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines & natural products for education purposes.

visit: www.drugs.com

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)

The nation’s only nonprofit organization devoted entirely to medication error prevention and safe medication use. The organization educates consumers and medical professionals about safe medicine practices.

visit: www.ismp.org

Medline Plus

A service of the national library of medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Provides information on a variety of health topics.

visit: www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/