FAQ and Resources

What should I do if the person I care for has trouble activating or pushing on an MDI canister?

The person’s hands might be too weak to push down on the canister. If the person has trouble breathing in while activating the canister, a spacer device can be helpful.

What should we do if the person I care for has a bad taste in their mouth after taking a medicine?

Have the person rinse their mouth out with a glass of warm water. It is common for inhaled medicines to leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

How can I help prevent an asthma attack?

There is no one way to prevent all asthma attacks. The best way for a person to control their asthma is to take all prescribed medicines regularly and on time. Also, the person should avoid being around any allergen triggers (such as smoke or pets).

What is a Peak Flow Meter used for?

A peak flow meter is a portable, handheld device for measuring how fast air moves out of a person’s lungs. Measuring the peak flow is often recommended by the doctor for managing the person’s asthma symptoms and preventing an asthma attack.

Mayo Clinic

PThe website is owned by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. The Mayo Clinic’s mission is to empower people to manage their health. Mayo Clinic health professionals provide valuable information for using inhalers and a spacer.

visit: www.mayoclinic.com/health-information

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

AAFA is the only asthma and allergy patient organization that offers educational programs and tools for patients, caregivers, and health professionals. The website has information on use of inhalers.

visit: aafa.org

Asthma Society of Canada

Society promotes self-management, prevention, research and health care for persons with asthma.

visit: http://asthma.ca/adults

The Ohio State University Medical Center Patient Education Materials

The Ohio State University Medical Center is one of the largest and most diverse academic medical centers in the country. The website has information on peak flow meters and inhalers.

visit: http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/patientcare/patient_education

Safe Medication

American Society of Health-system Pharmacists. This is a resource for drug and drug administration.

visit: www.safemedication.com

Inhaler websites

All inhalers will have a website on the label with information and directions for use.