When caring for a person, always look for possible signs of infection.
A local infection is one limited to a specific body site, and stays there. An example is an infection of a surgical wound, an abscessed tooth, or a boil.
The signs of a local infection include:
Answer ‘YES’ to any of these questions and the person could be developing an infection.
Whenever you are caring for someone who is ill, make it a habit to look at their urine after they go to the bathroom. Ask the person to not flush the toilet before you get a chance to look.
A person who develops a cold or has a sinus infection will sometimes cough up mucus.
Systemic infections (like the flu) are very serious. The infection has spread to affect the entire body. The body’s defenses go into action, which may cause some or all of the following:
If you suspect a systemic infection, take the person’s temperature.The normal range for body temperature is 96.8º to 100.4º Fahrenheit, or 36º to 38º Centigrade.
A single temperature reading does not indicate a fever. Several temperature readings at different times of the day tell you if the person has a fever. Generally, a fever is above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (oral) (38° Centigrade), or a rectal or ear temperature above 101.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38.5° Centigrade).
People who have diseases of their immune system (e.g. cancer, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis) or who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system, often do not have classic signs of infection. The same is true with older adults.
These people will often not have signs of redness and swelling with a local infection. Often they have no fever. Older adults may only have a mild temperature increase or no increase at all. Infection may be shown by changes in behavior such as: