FAQ and Resources

If a person has fallen once, is there a good chance they will fall again?

Yes, a person who has a history of falling is at risk to fall again.

If a person falls, what is the first thing I should do?

Do not try to move the person. Have them lie still until you learn if they are hurt.

Is the person alert and able to talk to you?
Do they have pain they have not had before?
Are they unable to move the arm, leg or neck? Is there any bleeding?

See this lesson’s What to Do section for actions to take in case of a fall injury. Also, see our lesson on Moving Safely in the Home for tips on how to help a person fall more safely and how to help get the person up after a fall.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC has a National Center for Injury Prevention providing a full set of resources of how to prevent falls.

National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF)

Started in 1984, the NOF is the nation’s leading voluntary health organization solely dedicated to osteoporosis and bone health.

National Association of Home Builders

Has information regarding Certified Aging-In-Place Specialists (CAPS) who design and adapt homes so that a person can continue living in a familiar environment throughout their maturing years.

National Safety Council

The Council is a non-for-profit charitable organization that has the mission to educate people on ways to prevent accidental injury and death. The website contains numerous resources on falls and fall prevention tips.