Medical waste items can carry infection. You are at risk if you touch an infected item and then touch a cut or open sore on your body, or your mouth. You can get any number of different infections if you do not handle medical waste the right way.
Here are two very serious infections you need to know about.
Hepatitis is a disease of the liver. Normally the liver helps to digest food, store energy and remove poisons from your body. When you get Hepatitis, your liver will stop working well. Damage to the liver can lead to scarring and even cancer.
Viruses cause most cases of Hepatitis. Each type of hepatitis gets its name from the virus that causes it; For example, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
You can get Hepatitis from eating food or drinking water containing a virus. However, in the case of medical waste, the viruses live in body fluids, such as stool, blood, saliva, vaginal secretions, menstrual fluid, and vomit of persons who are infected.
Many people who get Hepatitis do not know they have it. You could care for someone who does not know he or she has Hepatitis.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B and C
HIV virus causes the disease AIDs, which attacks the person’s immune system. A person may remain healthy for many years carrying the HIV virus. However, if left untreated, AIDs develops into a series of acute and then chronic infections. The disease can be fatal. Any person who is an IV drug user or has multiple sexual partners is at high risk.
How Does HIV Spread?
How Does HIV Not Spread?
Symptoms of HIV